you have a CSV file that contains user complaints - Power BI exam question

其他问题 爱爱 ⋅ 于 2025-03-10 23:10:02 ⋅ 19 阅读

you have a CSV file that contains user complaints.
The file contains a column named Logged.
Logged contains the date and time each complaint occurred.
The data in Logged is in the following format: 2018-12-31 at 08:59

You need to be able to analyze the complaints by the logged date and use a built in date hierarchy.
What should you do?
A, apply the Parse function from the data transformations options to the Logged column
B, Change the date type of the Logged Column to Date
C, Split the Logged column by using at as the delimiter
D, Create a column by example that starts with 2018-12-31

请问各位前辈,我觉得上面的这条问题的答案应该是D, 不是C。

成为第一个点赞的人吧 :bowtie:
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